Avoid overheating of car engine

How To Prevent Car Engine Overheating?

Prevent Car Engine Overheating

While the pandemic continues some people are planning road trips to get over the boredom. Alternatively, many people have also started moving back to the holy places by traveling long distances as they used to do before the pandemic. A very common issue that is faced by car owners while traveling long distances is the overheating of engines. Sometimes it might video to faulty space but at other times some regular maintenance practices can help go a long way. The following section of this article talks about some of the effective practices that can prevent a car from overheating.

Keeping a Tab on the Temperature Gauge

Driving for long distances people often forget to keep track of their cars enjoying. While driving one should always keep an eye on the temperature of the people. It is particularly important when the car is being given for long distances on a single drive. However, it is not distance means that one has to sacrifice the engine’s health. The easiest way to keep the car from overheating is to check the temperature and not let it go between the safe limits.

Checking the Coolant Levels at Regular Intervals

One must regularly check their vehicles for coolant levels and Engine Oil. Remember to check inside the radiator or the reservoir. Always ensure that the mix of coolant and water is an appropriate preposition. It is the most common practice that helps in preventing a car engine from overheating. A low level of coolant is the common reason behind overheating of a vehicle. One must open the radiator cap only when an overheated car has cooled down.

To check what happens with low coolant levels click the image below

Car Coolants Lubricants in Qatar

Reducing the Use of AC to Keep the Engine Stress Free

People going on long road trips often find that their engines are about to overheat but they don’t want to slow down. The best remedy to this problem is reducing the use of the air conditioner. It eliminates the excess load on the engine due to the continuous running of the AC. Reducing the use of AC helps sustain the same operating temperature for long before the engine was overheated. Alternatively, the car owner can use the heater or open the windows so that the engine’s heat can escape through the inside of the cabin. It might feel uncomfortable but can help prevent overheating of the engine.

Always Pull Over If the Engine Starts To Overheat

In case a car has started to overheat the safest option is to pull over immediately. Always find a spot and stop the car. Open the hood immediately so that the heat can escape. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then pour some water on the radiator to bring down the temperatures. Never hurry to pour the water as it can result in the cracking of the engine block.

Look Underneath To Check for Coolant Leakage

If the cooling system of the car is stopped and still the engine is overheating one must always check leakages in the system.

Periodic Radiator Flushing

Even if the coolant in the car is at an optimal level it is advisable to change Lubricants Qatar at regular intervals. The replacing process includes draining the cold fluid, cleaning the system using a flushing compound, and then topping up the system with a new coolant.

Checking the Drive Belt for Wear And Tear

Another essential component that should be checked in case of overheating is the drive belt. If the drive belt is faulty or has broken the water pump will not work and prevent the circulation of the coolant. If the engine starts overheating there is likely some issue with the drive belt. These are some of the things that car owners can do to prevent the engines from overheating. Keeping these tips from Lubricants Suppliers in Qatar handy during a long drive can help in keeping the engine temperatures under permissible levels.


Friction Reduction in Automobiles

Have you ever wondered what role friction plays in an automobile? When you keep a book on the table and push it, the book will move for a while, and then again, you have to push it to make it move. The reason why the book is coming to rest is because of friction. The push on the book is a forward-acting force, and a force is acting in the opposite direction of the movement of the book, which is the frictional force.

The frictional force is responsible for bringing the book to a halt. This fictional force is also known as resistance to the relative motion between the two objects. Now the above was just an example of a book, the frictional force playing a crucial role in our day-to-day life, and one such example where fiction has a lot of impacts is in the automobile sector.

Pros and cons of friction in automobiles

There is no doubt that frictional forces have a lot of advantages to carry out all activities in our day to day life. For example, it will be very difficult to walk on a slippery road when you consider walking because the friction between the slippery road and your shoe is less. Automobiles play a vital role in transportation or movement, and hence every time we move our automobile, frictional force plays a crucial role. When you press the brake in the vehicles, it comes to a halt. Just because of the frictional force, motors and engines transmit power to other parts using belts and clutches in the vehicles.

Keeping all the advantages of friction aside in the automobile sector, the disadvantages of friction are many. One of the most common disadvantages of a frictional force in automobiles is a hindrance to motion. When automobiles are subjected to this friction, it can end up being a hindrance to the motion. The solution to this hindrance to the motion of vehicles is the use of oil and lubricants.

Why Engine Oils in Vehicles

Engine Oils and lubricants help the vehicle parts to move easily. The wheels also have oil and bearings so that they can turn with less frictional force. If the vehicle experiences an excess frictional force, extra power is required to fuel the vehicle, and energy is dissipated. The excess frictional forces in vehicles can lead to a reduction of mileage in automobiles.

Have you ever wondered why automobiles are streamlined? Automobiles are streamlined to reduce friction. The streamlined feature provides more mileage. Again when you drive your car at high speed on highways, the car experiences drag, leading to a reduction of mileage. Apart from these, driving your car at high speed is also bad. Any moving parts experience wearing and due to frictional resistance. The only solution to this issue is lubricating each part of the car properly.


Lubricating the automobile helps the parts move easier and faster, preventing the parts from wearing out. If you have a vehicle, you should focus on Lubricants in Qatar, the parts and ball bearing routinely at a Vehicle Service Center Qatar.

Lubricants Qatar

6 Ways to Increase your Car Engine Life

The engine in a car is like the heart, ensuring proper functioning. Thus, it must run smoothly to help the car offer optimum performance. When not taken good care of, the engine can cause great trouble, which in turn will cost you a huge amount for repair and maintenance services. Thus, to ensure you have a long engine life, here are some tips that will help.

Change engine oil timely
The engine oil is responsible for the proper movement of various parts. Thus, timely change of oil will prevent any wear or tear. However, the engine oil can trap dirt, dust, and sediments, which can greatly deteriorate the system. So make sure to go to the manufacturer’s recommendations to know the exact timing for oil changes. When the replacements are done timely, it will ensure the engine runs smoothly.

Keep an eye on the cooling system
Even though there are many advancements in car engines, there is a great loss of combustion. The heat generated isn’t a good thing for the materials the car is made up of. Thus, you must ensure there is an adequate amount of coolant present in the system as it will help keep the heat in control. Thus, it will ensure the longevity of the engine.

Look for leaks
When you take your car out of a driveway, take time to look at the parking spot for any fluid marks on the ground. If you find a leakage, visit the nearest mechanic to get the system checked and repaired. Also, you can consider smelling under the hood to find any leakage signs. When taken care of the leakage timely, there won’t be any major loss of engine oil and other fluids. Thus, this will guarantee the engine operates at its maximum capacity.

Going on reserve fuel
Engine oil contains sediments which after long use, can settle down at the tank’s bottom. These scraps in the system should not reach the engine. It will be beneficial to avoid using your car on low fuels as it will pull up the junk, which would lead to great trouble. Thus, instead of taking a risk and creating trouble for your engine, it’s better to fill up the tank to full and save your repair and replacement cost.

Replace the fuel filter
There are junks present in the fuel filter, which must be prohibited an entry into the combustion chamber. A tiny fuel filter replacement will guarantee the free flow of clean fuel to the engine and fuel pump. Thus, there won’t be any build-up inside the engine, which will ensure optimum performance.

Replace the spark wires and plugs
The spark plugs can lead to a fire. You can ensure the engine retains its spark, but it is the timely replacements that will help eliminate the soot accumulated around the electrode. Thus, it will reduce the chance of fire and combustion, and you will have a better engine life.

Keeping the following tips in mind, you can for a longer and better life for your engine. However, with usage over the years, your engine will deteriorate. Thus, you must visit a good professional for timely check-ups and know the right time you need to change the engine. This will guarantee you receive the best performance from your car.

Car Service Center In Qatar

6 Budget-Friendly Ways for Effective Car Maintenance

Cars are the biggest purchase a person makes. In fact, the expenses just don’t stop with the purchase. From routine maintenance to repairs, the car owners must do everything to keep the vehicle in a good operating position. This is why you must stay in touch with the Car Service Center In Qatar, as this will help ensure you receive timely services from professionals. Additionally, here are few budget-friendly ways to save money on car maintenance.
1.Read the owner’s manual
Going through the manual will help you familiarize yourself with the scheduled maintenance guide. The information from the manufacturer’s side tells you when to take your car to a repair center for necessary maintenance. Further, if you pay close attention and read it carefully, you will know how and when to spend your money on car maintenance.

2.Find a reliable auto repair shop
Look for a repair shop with skilled and experienced technicians. Ask your friends and families about the best automotive service in Qatar. This will help you connect with a repair shop specializing in your car repairs.

3.Do preventive maintenance
Although you can find a number of repair shops offering car wheel alignment in Doha, it would be better if you do it yourself. However, make sure to take help from someone who has previously done it as this helps avoid any issues in the future.

4.Stay updated with the usual charges of car repairs
From wheel alignment to car battery delivery services in Doha, you must be updated about the necessary car repair services. This will help you compare the service charges of various repair centers and then choose the best one for you. For this, you can visit various websites online that offer a price estimate of car repair based on your zip code.

5.Do it yourself
The best way to save money on car maintenance is by doing preventive care, meaning to take your car to a reliable repair shop timely. This will help ensure any damage to the car parts is identified earlier. Thus, the issue won’t turn serious later. Thus, you will save money that you need to pay for the repairs later. However, make sure to visit the best car service center in Qatar for routine maintenance.

6.Buy discounted parts online
There are various websites online that offer car parts at a discounted rate. Research to find the websites that offer a guarantee of quality and have a return policy. This will help ensure you do not get yourself into a scam of purchasing the wrong parts.

These were the top 6 tips that will have you keep your car maintenance cost low. However, it’s your preventive care that will help you save money on the repairs later. So make sure to stay in touch with the best car service center in Qatar, like Orient Tech WLL, for routine car repair and maintenance. The center has a team of highly skilled professionals performing the necessary repair and maintenance work of various car models. Thus, you can complete it rely on them to receive desirable repair services at competitive pricing.

Car Coolants Lubricants in Qatar

What Happens If We Drive With Low Coolant?

What consequences do you face if you start writing with a pen with a blockage in its ink passage? Naturally, after some time you have to either refill the ink or change the pen itself. The same is the case when it comes to the importance of coolant in cars. Now, what is coolant? You must be aware of the fact that the power from cars makes it turn hot. If not taken proper protection, a machine can break down. The coolant in your car acts as a protection by pulling away heat from your engine. So, say in your next visit to Qatar, never fail to get hold of Amalie Oil in Qatar, one of the best lubricants protecting your car like none other.

The lubricants for car coolers are a kind of oil, functionally used to decrease the fiction, wear in between mechanical apparatus staying in contact with each other. And most importantly, it acts as an integral factor in the cooler of a car maintaining the temperature range. In case you are traveling in Qatar with your family and finding it necessary to get some help related to your coolant in the car, any car service center in Qatar would provide you with all the help required.

Here are some of the consequences that you may face if you are neglecting the coolant in your car and therefore driving with low coolant. Let’s check out!

  1. Overheat- Engine to breath fire: One of the most common and inevitable consequences of driving with a low coolant is to overheat your car. Thus, the engine post overheating will seize gradually. It is to be remembered that if you are avoiding the necessity of coolant in your car and have been driving with low coolant for a long time, your car will lead to complete and permanent damage.
  2. Car to Shut Off:  Often some of the cars have been mechanically prepared with such conditions that it shuts off before getting too much heated. So, if your car gets shut off in the middle of the road, one of the major reasons may be overheating as you were running on a low coolant. Make sure to use the best lubricants for the car cooler, no doubt get the best quality lubricants in Qatar.
  3. Ends up blowing a Head Gasket: It is extremely common for a low coolant to result in a head gasket and block the engine. In case you find smoke continuously emitting from your car engine or rather a tailpipe, low coolant remains the most probable reason. Also, some more symptoms of a head gasket are loss in power, decreased efficiency level, or engine knocking sounds. 

Do not panic if you are traveling outside, for places like Qatar, you can easily find lubricant suppliers in Qatar in between few kilometers. 

Additionally, it is very important to be aware of the probable symptoms that your car may show resulting in low coolant usage. High-temperature gauge, noticing a sweet-smelling odor in the car, malfunctioning of your AC system in the car, or if the level of your cooler sensor shows faulty, take actions immediately!

Lubricants Qatar

How To Decide The Best Oil For Your Vehicle?

The task of picking the right engine oil for a vehicle becomes quite challenging given the huge number of options available in the market. To make the task all the more difficult there is a ton of information available all around. However, the easiest and very first step is to check the owner’s manual. Every vehicle comes with an owner manual that contains all the necessary specifications for choosing the right engine oil. Besides, it specifies the suitable oil weight like 10W-30 or other variations. Here the number describes oil viscosity that is appropriate for the vehicle.

The weather conditions are also a deciding factor for the type and weight of engine oil in a vehicle. Typically for regular use in moderate temperatures vehicle owners must stick to the specifications in the manual. Car Service Center in Qatar always recommends purchasing engine oils with the starburst symbol which indicates American petroleum institute (API) certification. There are two different types of Service designation on engine oil containers. The latest API service standards include CK-4 for diesel engines and SP for gasoline engines; it defines a set of laboratory tests and engine tests. These tests help in determining the ability of the oil to protect the engine from wear and tear in extreme conditions. API provides a complete list of these standards for better understanding.

Understanding The Labels

One will find a series of labels and certifications on the container of popular Lubricants in Qatar. There should be an API doughnut on the right to certify the current service rating of the oil. Besides, there is an SAE viscosity number. It tells that the oil meets the resource-conserving test standards. Similarly, the starburst symbol determines the oil meets modern service standards.

The Viscosity Of Motor Oil

Viscosity is defined as the resistance of the fluid when flowing. The viscosity of motor oil is rated depending on its thickness at sub-zero temperatures. The number followed by W represents oil viscosity. Here W stands for winter and the oil’s thickness at high temperatures.

All types of Amalie Oil in Qatar lose their thickness and become runnier when heated, likewise the thickness of the fluid increases when cold. Thicker oil provides better film lubrication between the different moving parts of the engine. One can choose to put the right set of additives to prevent the thinning of oil at high temperatures.

Usually, engine oils remain thick at higher temperatures but become runnier when the temperature goes up. Oils that have more resistance to thinning have a higher secondary number. For example, 10W-40 will become less thin when heated than 10W-30 oil.

Similarly, engine oil must be resistant to excessive thinning at low temperatures. Otherwise, it will not be able to flow and protect all moving parts in an engine. Engine oils with excessive thickness make cold starting quite difficult and reduce fuel economy. When the oil becomes thicker than the rated amount the crankshaft requires more energy to turn which is partly submerged in engine oil. A lower number is always better for vehicles operating in cold weather conditions. Typically a 5W is suitable for extreme winter conditions. On the other hand, ATF Oil in Qatar is most suitable than conventional engine oils as they meet 0W rating standards.

Why Multiple Varieties Of Engine Oils Are Available?

Best Automotive Service in Qatar sells multiple varieties of Diesel Engine Oil in Qatar. Each of these oils is designed for specific purposes like high-performance engines, higher mileage engines, heavy-duty engines, and vehicles from different countries have different requirements. Engine oils are available in a wide selection of viscosities to allow vehicles to operate in different weather conditions.

Vehicle owners must always read the manual carefully to know about the most suitable variety of engine oil for their vehicles. Besides the manual also include a reference to resource-conserving oil that the Anti-Freeze Coolant in Qatar meets economy lab test standards. However, it does not always translate into higher fuel economy. But branded products stand up to what is mentioned on the label.

Choosing Between Conventional Motor Oil And Synthetic Motor Oil

Premium grade conventional motor oils from Lubricants Suppliers in Qatar are available in multiple viscosities. These fluids are tested according to API standards and offer excellent performance. Usually, these oils are suitable for a range of vehicles but require frequent changes in the oil and filter. The usual change interval is 4000 miles or four months whichever comes first.

On the other hand, full synthetic oils are suitable for heavy-duty and high-performance engines. Petrol Engine Oil in Qatar requires passing stringent quality tests for long-lasting superior performance. It is always best to consult the owner’s manual for finding the type of oil and filter suitable for a vehicle. It also clearly mentions the change interval and procedure.